Fitzpatrick To District: I Will Be There For You

Bucks County Courier Times

The Republican vowed he would be the most accessible member of Congress and said his office belongs to the people of the 8th District.

Whether Mike Fitzpatrick’s statement Monday night falls the way of many New Year’s resolutions, by any measure it was certainly a whopper.

The congressman-elect of the 8th District told about 100 people assembled at Bucks County Community College’s Newtown Township campus that “it is my plan to be the most accessible member of Congress that anybody can remember.”

The Republican, set to be sworn into office Wednesday in Washington, made the first down payment on that goal during the first town hall meeting he said he plans to hold on a “regular basis.”

“These are hard times and people are hurting,” Fitzpatrick said. “People have a lot on their mind and deserve to be heard. In order to be a good servant, you have to be a good listener. That’s the tenor I want to set tonight.”