PA GOP Statement on Clinton’s Trip to Scranton

HARRISBURG – Republican Party of Pennsylvania Communications Director Megan Sweeney released the following statement regarding Hillary Clinton’s upcoming trip to Scranton with Vice President Joe Biden.

“Today, two liberals who’ve helped create and implement job-killing policies have announced they are  dropping by to assess their disastrous handiwork first-hand,” Sweeney said. “The Obama-Clinton agenda has resulted in nothing but lost jobs, higher taxes, and skyrocketing health care premiums for families across Pennsylvania. Nevertheless, if Hillary Clinton’s pretending to be from Scranton, it must be election time.”

Hillary Clinton’s Slipping Support in the Keystone State

Hillary Clinton Received 340,000 Fewer Votes During Pennsylvania’s 2016 Primary vs. the 2008 Primary (PA Department of State, Accessed 6/30/2016)

76,605 Pennsylvania Democrats Have Switched To The Republican Party Since January 1, 2016.  (PA Department of State, Accessed 6/30/2016)

Republicans Have Closed the Registration Gap in Pennsylvania By Nearly 152,000 Voters Since April 2012. (PA Department of State, Accessed 6/30/2016)

Hillary Clinton: Wrong for Scranton, Wrong for the Keystone State

In An Interview With The Boston Globe, Clinton Gave The Obama Administration An “A” For Its Overall Performance, Adding “I Don’t Think He Gets The Credit He Deserves For Saving Our Economy.” CLINTON: “I’d give him an ‘A.’ I don’t think he gets the credit he deserves for saving our economy from falling into a great depression, for saving the auto industry which represents millions of jobs up and down the supply chain, for beginning the crackdown on Wall Street abuses with Dodd-Frank, for getting the Affordable Care Act passed, for really being as responsive as he could possibly be given the obstructionism that he faced with the Republicans in Congress.” (Hillary Clinton, Interview With The Boston Globe, 10/17/2015)

During The Obama Administration, Median Household Income In Pennsylvania Has Fallen $1,348, From $56,521 In 2008 To $55,173 In 2014. (Census, Accessed 9/16/2015)


Under Obama, The Poverty Rate In Pennsylvania Has Increased By 1.5 Percentage Points, From 11.0 Percent In 2008 To 12.5 Percent In 2014. (Census, Accessed 9/16/2015)

  • Under Obama, 246,000 More People In Pennsylvania Have Fallen Into Poverty, An Increase Of 18.4 Percent. (Census, Accessed 9/16/2015)


Poverty Rates In 23 Cities In Pennsylvania Increased Between 2009 And 2014. “Median household income and median home values experienced statistically significant growth in only two cities from 2005-2009 to 2010-2014, while statistically significant declines occurred in 13 and 19 cities, respectively. The news for poverty rates was worse. Only one city showed statistically significant improvement, while 23 cities reported statistically significant increases in poverty rates.” (“Study Shows Increase In Poverty Rates Here,” The Express, 12/9/2015)

