PA GOP Unveils New Billboards Telling the Truth About Hillary

DNC Billboard

The above artwork will be displayed on billboards by the Essington Exit on I-95 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike by Plymouth Meeting.

HARRISBURG – Today, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania unveiled billboards stating that presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton  is unethical, untrustworthy, and unqualified to be President.

The ads will be displayed on billboards by the Essington Exit of I-95 North and the Plymouth Meeting exit of the Pennsylvania Turnpike heading eastbound. The billboards will be up for the next seven days.

“From her disastrous foreign policy failures to her flippant attitude toward protecting America’s most classified secrets, Hillary Clinton has proven that she is too unethical, untrustworthy, and unqualified to be our next President,” Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason said. “Hillary Clinton is the presumptive Democrat nominee because of the Democrat system was rigged in her favor. Hillary Clinton’s track record is littered with failure, scandals, and lies to the American people. She has lost the trust of the American people because of her shady actions. Hillary Clinton is not qualified to lead the greatest nation in the world.”

The billboards will be up for the next seven days.
